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About Includovate Research Center PLC

Includovate is a research incubator that designs solutions for inequality and exclusion. Includovate believes in designing interventions and using research to reshape the social, political, economic and environmental systems that perpetuate injustice. Via the process of ‘systems change’, we focus on complex issues that affect the poor and excluded. We adopt an action-oriented approach to change mindsets and structural conditions that keep unequal systems in place. The result is bespoke and manageable innovations that lead to lasting gender equality and social inclusion.

We model our beliefs. We employ people living with a disability in our business, as researchers, employees, managers and advocates. We firmly believe that diversity is essential to ensure our solutions suit the maximum number of people. The more diverse the problem-solving process, the longer the solutions last. Includovate leads the way in using emerging methodologies and innovative practices.

As a social enterprise, Includovate invests some of its profits into independent research. It builds the capacity of local researchers to lead, publish and improve the quality of the research performed in low-income countries. Includovate employs southern researchers to lead the design of solutions and collaborates with international experts who contribute to methodological excellence and theoretical knowledge. By helping more researchers of the Global South publish, Includovate shifts the power balance of knowledge creation to those with less power.


Includovate believes in flat power and rejects autocratic and centralized structures that hinder participation, collaboration and open dialogue.